Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thursday, November 16, 2006

business flow design in RoR plus code behind windows

web app looks very like a bunch of pages/divs, components and data. we can have some template pages/divs, template components, template datasets etc. if we need any special one, we can just go and create a new one and that one goes into the template and become avail. to future reuse. rails' current template system is the rdoc system which is good but if this rdoc and other templates can be easily find (pre-indexed by keywords) and re-usable, then the web development will be much easier to newbie

another thought: if we can preview the web page easily with the help of some yml data or parameters. there could be more fun to web deve.

once again, web app business flow link to real time deve. is the key... need more thoughts

javascript too big - calendar

1. dispatch big calendar javascripts into individual pages.
2. how to find the calendar pages:
2.1 keyword for search: "show_calendar", "Calendar.setup"
2.2 sidebar: calendar